East Coast Projects

Miami, FL - Dredging and Marine Construction

This project resides in the very busy Miami cruise terminal, specifically berths 8 and 9 in 2023-24. This terminal will accommodate up to 36,000 daily passengers, allowing an increase in the terminal’s capabilities and tourism in Miami. Amber was a consultant and lead engineer on this project, working for Fincantieri Infrastructure Florida performing Project Engineer/Dredging and Marine Construction. This consultation includes managing and estimating costs on the $600 million cruise ship terminal. This entailed a new state-of-the-art cruise terminal building, parking garage, new bulkhead system, and all dredging and mass excavation down to a -38 foot depth. The dredging and mass excavation were being done via two clamshell dredge barges and excavators on land. All personnel were trained by current environmental personnel on biological species monitoring and turbidity monitoring.

Jacksonville, FL - Maintenance Dredging

This city and port are booming. Jax Port is the busiest port in Florida and in the top 10 container ports in the US. With this increase of vessel volume, dredging was impertinent to the port’s future. We were the lead engineer on this project. The goal of the project was to maintain the depth of the Jaxport channel by dredging approximately 1.6 million cubic yards of material using a clamshell dredge. This extraction was completed over the span of three years (2021-2022). The result of this maintenance allows 107,000 TCU to flow into Jaxport on a monthly basis. The displaced sediment did not harm the surrounding environment. Biological training was provided for manatees and dredging was halted if a manatee was spotted.